Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Why FOTC is just OK

People have told me they think Flight of the Conchords is the best comedy act/show going these days. Well I can't think of a better one (LMOTP comes close), but FOTC is still really just OK. They do a good job of humanizing marginalized parts of urban society (muggers, druggies, etc.) but they're also perpetuating problematic stereotypes in a way that evokes nervous laughter from at least a few female and minority viewers. Here we have another couple of slick "white" guys, singing songs about how and how not to get laid, about racial equality, the triumphs and tragedies of inner city life, etc. But let's take a closer look at one of these issues: racial equality. Their "black paper white paper..stick it together with the tape of love" song champions love's ability to overcome racial antagonism. And yet, when you look at the "hottest" women according to Brett and Jemain's characters, they're all tall, thin, blonde, symmetrical "beauties"...no sterotype being challenged here.
In fact, the show is generally dealing with stereotypes, which I guess is normal for comedy shows. The trouble is, FOTC stereotypes aren't all that insightful and in my view serve to entrench negative stereotypes as often as they deconstruct or parody them.

So there's a little rant on last year's New Kids On The Block comedy troupe. Go Monty Python! http://time-blog.com/middle_east/2008/09/monty_pythons_guide_to_the_mud.html


Anonymous said...

One of them is Maori, and the other is white. Accordingly, "brown paper, white paper." Within the context of the show, it's a song about love between the two male leads.

Ted said...

huh, that's good to know. thanks for the comment