Saturday, March 14, 2009

Who is neighbour?

This blog has kind of turned into a bunch of random reflections, well... that's what it started as too, except that at the beginning they were tailored to Leah and now they're more just whatever's on my mind.  (sip of chamomile tea)  More or less irrespective of an audience.  I don't have a particular audience in mind anyway.  
So continuing in that vein, it seems that people have a tendency to think mostly about other people they know.  I don't know why I'm an anomaly in this respect--I seem to spend most of my time thinking about this abstraction of the millions of people who are almost certainly going to feel the brunt of climate change, and those who (arguably) already are, for example in Darfur.  For some reason I don't need a human face to represent those people to care about them, or maybe I extend the emotion and relational feelings I have for people I know and love to these unknown millions.  (another sip)  I don't know.  Damn, the sun is glorious on this open page of Small Is Profitable.

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