Sunday, October 17, 2010

Acoustic space and the work of Philip Beesley

One of these days, I'm going to create a "sound archive" blog, for sharing this stuff with a more targeted audience. But in the meantime, I'll post this here.

I was at the keyboard tonight, and created a sound that I could imagine using as a kind of "acoustic backdrop" in a worship setting, or perhaps for a communal prayer setting as Taizé seeks to be.

The sound quality of this sample is very good, so it's a large file. But if you have a nice sound system, and a quiet place to listen, I thought you might enjoy just putting this on in the background. It's not a "song", just something to fill the acoustic space, and hopefully has a calming effect.

There's an architect in Toronto whose work I've found particularly inspiring lately. I don't know how many of you will resonate with the work of Philip Beesley, but personally I'm not aware of anyone who is as conscious of the influence of environment, that is, of form, space, and atmosphere, on spiritual well being as this man.

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