Monday, December 27, 2010

FORD FOCUS - Chapter 2

Rob Ford follows in Hitler's footsteps

In what is becoming a common theme on my blog, here's another way Rob Ford poses a threat to Toronto.

Similarity between Rob Ford and Hitler:

After being democratically elected, he aggressively seeks to dismantle democratic structures and processes to reduce opposition to his agenda.

Exhibit A: Rob Ford declares Transit City dead before a council vote is even scheduled

Exhibit B: Proposal to downsize council from 44 to 22 councillors, citing "more productivity, less waste"

Exhibit C: Announces "surprise" tax freeze that was not in his campaign, a tax decrease in real terms that would deliver greatest benefit to wealthy property owners (e.g. him and his brothers).

CBC offers a more sympathetic perspective, citing Rob's recognition of the need for council support

Some of you will I'm sure consider such a parallel alarmist, but this is my blog, and I see no harm in calling out Rob's potentially egregious mistakes. Rob, as he likes to be called (Toronto Sun, 2010), is in my opinion worse than a disgrace to Toronto's mayoral office, he's a danger to our city's democracy.

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